Friday, March 11, 2011


I don't know if you remember my posts on Brielle's funny sleeping positions a couple of years ago. Well this is what happened when I got tired of trying to get Brooklyn to go to sleep and just let her cry it out one day. zzzz...sleeping against the Pack and Play (which she slept in for about a month until we transitioned to a crib).
This one is a little harder to see but she is basically kneeling down asleep against the side of it.
Here is the one of Brielle asleep against the side of her crib when she was around the same age. It makes her look like she has a mohawk by her position. She did have a lot more hair than Brooklyn does, for sure.
I love my sleeping angels.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Brielle's Fashion

Brielle definitely got my fashion sense.
Not so good unfortunately but I let her dress herself these days and these the outfits she came up with. In the above one, she has on Brooklyn's pants and a Halloween shirt.
The below one was my favorite. It was the end of December/first of January and she has on 4th of July shorts, a nice shirt and a princess hat.
That's my girl!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Best friends (and cousins), Ariah and Brielle

I love this picture. I realize you can't tell very well but they are in one of those bench storage seats where you can sit on it and then open and store toys or whatever in it. These two have so much fun together and love each other fiercely. It makes me smile and so very happy.

Mike has a mustache

What do you think? Do you love it?

Yeah neither did I. Luckily it only lasted about 1 hour. Phew!