Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mt. Timpanogos - September 2012

 One of the things on my bucket list was to climb Mt. Timp.  My cousins said they were doing it the end of September, so we (my sister, Shell, and I) decided to join them.  We started at 3 and made it up to the saddle just before sunrise.  It was a beautiful sunrise, although I don't think I have ever been so cold in my entire life.  Because of my hike, I was sweating, so I was wet and then we got up to the top and it was the coldest time of the day, in a very high altitude.  Note to self, wear more clothing that I can add on top of my wet clothes to keep me warm next time!
 Here are the girls, my sister Shell, my cousin Amy, a friend of Amy's, my cousin Aubree and me.
 We hiked up the back side, Timpooneke Trail, and then back down the Alpine side.  It was nice to see both sides, but I think I definitely preferred the Timpooneke Trail. 
 Here is the group at the end.  Man it was a hard hike.  I was in so much pain at the end, but it was completely worth it and I plan on doing it again in the future.  It was such a beautiful view both at the top and on the way down.  Of course, I didn't see much on the way up since it was dark.  I love hiking!